Hello, I’m struggling to find a mains transformer for the 124 build that matches the voltage specs given in the layout and schematic. I’ve a link (https://www.hotroxuk.com/mains-transformer-for-fender-tweed-twin-amp-5f8-5e8) to this one which is the closest available I’ve sourced.
Can anyone kindly advise if this is suitable or point me in the right direction.
I think I’ve found the output and choke but advice will be welcomed on sourcing them also just to ease one’s mind.
Hi Andrea, You emntion InMadout as supplier of transformers. If I visit the website (https://www.inmadout.com/) I cannot find any of the product numbers you mention: PTM38503V-BK (€102), TU3240-26, (€88) and a 5H choke (€19).
Is this the correct website? Thanks, Ron
Hello Adam!
I normally get mine custom made from Italy. Company is called inMadOut and the owner, Savino Luce, is a nice guy and very helpful. Most of the amps I've built used his transformers, the quality is excellent. For my latest 102 clone, I got a PTM38503V-BK (€102), TU3240-26, (€88) and a 5H choke (€19).
Only thing, you might have to check shipping rates depending on where you live... that's normally what kills the mood with transformers :D