I just ordered the British Style PCB and am trying to work out the different types of amp that can be built from it.
The main ad (https://www.aaelectronicspcb.com/product-page/british-style-pcb) states the following: Bassman
JCM800 2204
JCM800 2203
But when I look in the docs (https://www.aaelectronicspcb.com/resources), there are these 4:
JMP1987 (bass) 50W
JCM800 (2204) 50W
JMP1987 (lead) 50W
I assume: Bassman = JMP1987 (bass) 50W
JTM45 = JTM45
JCM800 2204 = JCM800 (2204) 50W
and JMP1987 (lead) 50W seems like an extra one, not in the main ad.
Are there schematics/layouts/bom for the following?
JCM800 2203
The Plexi 68 is the Bass Model so the 1986 (less gain, more bass)
The Plexi 69 is the Lead model so the 1987 (more gain, less bass)
The Bassman is the same model of JTM45. The difference are :
-12AY7 on V1 instead 12AX7
-NFB resistor 27K on 2 Ohm tap instead 16 ohm tap (you can use 56k on 8ohm tap or 75k on 16 ohm tap)
-A cab with 4 Jensen 10" speaker instead a head and a 4/12" Celestion speaker
Thats all
For the JCM800 2203 is the same of 2204 : a 100W head and the 2204 is a 50W Head