I'm halfway through my Express build, Chassis is almost complete , just need to hook up the front pots , It's in a custom Fender tweed style chassis , I'm building the combo cab at the moment , It'll be a 1 x 12 , and will run 6V6's (I already have an EL34 Head)
It's a tight squeeze , But I'm sure it'll turn out fine ... I used a Hammond 290MAX P/T which gives me 280-0-280 and a reissue JTM 45 O/T that I had lying around , I know the imdecences aren't 100% correct but I'm hoping it'll be a nice outcome all the same .... pictures will come soon
Link to various versions of the Express schematic - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://schematicheaven.net/newamps/trainwreck_express.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiGy_rV4MX9AhU6D1kFHSUAA9kQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0J1iirwEHgvUKdQB0frjGp and a layout from Ceriatone.
@ Andrea , do you have , or is there a BOM for Train in near future available ?
Thnx and Cheers,
I'm halfway through my Express build, Chassis is almost complete , just need to hook up the front pots , It's in a custom Fender tweed style chassis , I'm building the combo cab at the moment , It'll be a 1 x 12 , and will run 6V6's (I already have an EL34 Head)
It's a tight squeeze , But I'm sure it'll turn out fine ... I used a Hammond 290MAX P/T which gives me 280-0-280 and a reissue JTM 45 O/T that I had lying around , I know the imdecences aren't 100% correct but I'm hoping it'll be a nice outcome all the same .... pictures will come soon
I’m in!
Shipped it and bill me!
Hey guys! Your request has become reality! I’m sending the train wreck style board to manufacture on Monday :) stay tuned for the release date 😊
I am in
I am in
Hey boys!
Do you happen to have some reference layout/schematic for the trainwreck? Might do a limited batch of boards if there’s enough request
AA Electronics
I would probably be in.
That was my suggestion when I took the email survey. That would be very cool!